Setting a Science-Based Target

As a part of SanMar’s purpose to create meaningful connections that elevate lives, we have committed to do our part to combat climate change.
We seek help from organizations that offer best practices and promote accountability. The Science Based Targets initiative has helped us set an ambitious company-wide target to cut carbon emissions across all of our operations.
Our Promise
Our approved target includes two separate but related goals:
- Reduce scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 50% per pound of product by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
- Reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services 50% per pound of product within the same timeframe.
If you’d like to know more about the different scopes of GHG emissions and what they really mean, scroll just a little further down the page.
Our Progress
• Committed to set a Science-Based Target
Our Plan
We are still early in our journey, but we know where to begin. For SanMar—and most apparel companies—the largest share of emissions is generated in the supply chain from raw materials and the manufacturing of our products.
As a result, many of our initiatives to reach our target will be focused on:
- Reducing the impact of our products through lower impact materials and production processes
- Engaging with our suppliers to reduce the impact of their operations through more efficient machinery, processes and renewable energy
About Greenhouse Gas Emissions
To better understand what our target means, it’s helpful to know a little bit about how carbon emissions are classified. The GHG Protocol provides widely-used tools and standards for measuring climate-changing emissions, which they group into three categories:
Scope 1
Direct emissions from owned facilities and vehicles.
For Sanmar
Includes emissions from fuels we use to power our owned and operated facilities such as natural gas, propane and gasoline.
Scope 2
Indirect emissions from purchased electricity.
For Sanmar
Includes the electricity we use to power our owned and operated facilities.
Scope 3
Emissions from activities that are upstream and downstream from our business.
For Sanmar
Includes categories such as manufacturing, logistics, business travel, customer use of products and disposal of products.