The SanMar IDEA Council
The SanMar IDEA Council’s mission is to be a resource and advocate for the value of diversity and inclusion as a pathway to both employee well-being and business success.
The members of the IDEA Council are chosen from across the company. They each bring their personal experience to the conversation and ensure that employee concerns are represented in our decisions.

The Council’s initiatives are currently focused on several important themes:

Employee Feedback
The IDEA Council conducts periodic surveys of SanMar employees to better understand what SanMar is doing well and where we have opportunity to improve. The valuable feedback received informs future initiatives.
Employee Training
Training employees is vital to the important work of promoting diversity, inclusion and belonging at SanMar. The IDEA Council works with our Training and Development team to create a curated series of videos and interactive workshops to support this goal.

Representation in Imagery
Working with the SanMar Marketing team since 2020, the IDEA Council has helped to improve the representation of people of color, persons with disabilities and inclusive sizing in the images and video SanMar uses in its printed product catalogs and online.
Raising Awareness
We celebrate unique traditions and identities through educational presentations which promote the importance of a diverse workplace, including Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month and Pride.
In 2023 we hosted an Insights learning session with the Seattle Hearing, Speech and Deaf Center and returned to the Seattle Pride Parade.